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Mercer Island Painting Contractor

Mercer Island's

Painting Company

Call NOW For Quote

Mercer Island Painters

High Quality

Painting Contractor

NOW Painting is Mercer Island's preferred high quality painting contractor. Our residential and commercial crews are all local painters and fully trained and vetted before they ever start painting houses.

Professional Painters

NOW is consistently searching for experienced painters throughout Puget Sound. We pride ourselves on finding the best painters around Seattle and training them up to the NOW standard. 

5 Star Yelp Painters Mercer Island
5 Star Google Local Business Mercer Island, WA
5 Star Angi Business Mercer Island, WA
5 Star Home Depot Pro Painter Mercer Island, WA

NOW Painting offers residential painting & commercial painting throughout the greater Mercer Island, WA region. If your a homeowner looking to get your house painted or a business owner wanting to revamp your store, call NOW.

Painting Services

Best Painting Contractor Mercer Island, WA

NOW residential house painters specialize in Interior Painting & Exterior Painting services. We use top quality paints to bring your home back to life. If your painting your walls, ceilings, trim & doors, or exterior. NOW Painters will have you loving your home again. Book your estimate & color consultation now.  

Mercer Island House Painting

NOW commercial painters are trained and certified to work on commercial job sites. Our commercial painting crews are journeyman level painters and OSHA 30 certified. Speak with a NOW project manager to learn how NOW can paint your next project.

Commercial Painting

Call NOW For Quote

NOW Painters are journeyman painters with years of experience. We pride ourselves on our work & commitment to quality painting.


NOW understands that paint is chemistry. Our saying is "There is a paint for every surface". 


We listen to what your vision is and create a plan to deliver. You'll never be in the dark on your project with NOW.


No surprises! With NOW you'll never be in the dark on you project. 


Why NOW Painting?

Professional Painting Contractor Mercer Island, WA

King County

Cities We Service

Snohomish County

Mercer Island

Washington State Licensed Contractor

NOW Painting is fully licensed, bonded, and insured by the State of Washington. Our work is our signature and our contracts are our handshake. 

Satisfaction Guaranteed Painting Contractor

Licensed, Bonded & Insured, WA State General Contractor License, $2M General Liability Policy, $12k Contractor Bond.

LEAD Certified, EPA HUD & State RRP Lead Paint Certification.

By The Book, Transparent Estimates, Itemized Bids & Clear Contracts.

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